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08/12/08 Brazil - Food for athletes



Colombia - Los materiales, objetos, envases y equipamientos destinados a entrar en contacto direc[...] y sus materias primas básicas




Indonesia - Ventilators, fans, air-conditioners - Addendum
Addendum of mandatory implementation of Indonesia National Standard for household and similar appliances – safety – part 2-80: particular requirements for fans under G/TBT/N/IND/6, dated 14 August 2003.  The regulation has been revised to “Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources  No. 011 year 2007”, due to revision of standard referred in the technical regulation (to be SNI 04-6292.2.80-2006 on Household and similar appliances – safety – part 2-80: particular requirements for fans).  The IEC standard adopted in the national standard which is referred by the regulation is revised.




Indonesia - Fuses and other overcurrent protection devices - Addendum
Addendum of mandatory implementation of Indonesia National Standard for Circuit-breakers for over current protection for household and similar installations under G/TBT/N/IND/7, dated
14 August 2003.  The regulation has been revised to “Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources  No. 009 year 2007”, due to amendment of standard referred in the technical regulation (to be SNI  04-6507.1-2002/Amd1-2006 on Amendment 1 of Indonesian National Standard for Circuit-breakers for over current protection for household and similar installations).  The IEC standard adopted in the national standard which is referred by the regulation is revised.




Indonesia - Electrical installations - Addendum
Addendum of mandatory implementation of Indonesia National Standard for General Requirements on Electrical Installation  under G/TBT/N/IND/8, dated 14 August 2003.  The regulation has been revised to “Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources  No. 008 year 2007”, due to amendment of national standard referred in the technical regulation (to be
SNI  04-0225-2000/Amd1-2006 on Amendment 1 of Indonesian National Standard for General Requirements on Electrical Installation).
The amendment of the standard covers :
- Part 3 (Protection for safety) and
- Part 6 (Electrical installations of buildings - Selection and erection of electrical equipment – Isolation, switching and control)




Indonesia - Electrical accessories - Switches - Addendum
Addendum of mandatory implementation of Indonesia National Standard for Switches for household and similar fixed   electrical insulations – Part 1:  General requirements  under G/TBT/N/IND/11, dated 14 August 2003.  The regulation has been revised to “Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources  No. 010 year 2007”, due to revision of standard referred in the technical regulation (to be SNI 04-6203.1-2006 on Switches for household and similar fixed   electrical insulations – Part 1:  General requirements).  The IEC standard adopted in the national standard which is referred by the regulation is revised.




Indonesia - Electrical accessories - Addendum
Addendum of mandatory implementation of Indonesia National Standard for General Requirements on Plug and Socket-outlet for household and similar purposes under G/TBT/N/IND/12, dated 14 August 2003.  The regulation has been revised to “Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources  No. 012 year 2007”, due to revision of standard referred in the technical regulation (to be SNI 04-3892.1-2006 on General Requirements on Plug and Socket-outlet for household and similar purposes).  The IEC standard adopted in the national standard which is referred by the regulation is revised.




Israel - Quesos semiduros- Acceso a traducciones - Nota de la Secretaría – Suplemento




Japan - Drugs




Japan - Plumbing fixtures and piping




Thailand - Hazardous substances
The Department of Industrial Works established timeframe for phase-out and elimination of PCBs and PCBs containing equipment by 2012.




The Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - Light duty vehicles and motorcycles



08/12/08 Uganda - Milk fat product standard


08/12/08 Uganda - Water standard


08/12/08 Uganda - Water standard


08/12/08 Uganda - Water standard



Uganda - Protective helmets



08/12/08 Uganda - Plastic products


08/12/08 Uganda - Paper based stationery standard


08/12/08 Uganda - Paper based stationery standard


08/12/08 Uganda - Registration plates


08/12/08 Uganda - Registration plates



Uganda - Liquid fuels



08/12/08 Uganda - Used vehicles
G/TBT/N/USA/15/Add.1 08/12/08

United States - Tyres – Addendum

G/TBT/N/USA/301/Add.1 08/12/08

United States - Child Restraint Systems – Addendum

G/TBT/N/USA/396/Add.1 04/12/08

United States - Hearing aids – Addendum

G/TBT/N/CHL/81/Add.1 04/12/08

Chile - Productos cosméticos – Addendum
La República de Chile notifica que, en  relación a la Propuesta que modifica el Decreto Supremo Nº 239 de 2002, del Ministerio de Salud, que aprueba el reglamento del sistema nacional de control de cosméticos, notificada el 10 de octubre de 2008 por la Organización Mundial del Comercio en el documento G/TBT/N/CHL/81, el plazo para comentarios ha sido extendido hasta el 3 de enero de 2009

G/TBT/N/CHL/84 04/12/08

Chile - Termos que utilizan combustibles gaseosos

G/TBT/N/COL/111/Add.1 04/12/08

Colombia - Envases de Materiales – Addendum
La República de Colombia comunica con relación al Proyecto de Resolución del Ministerio de la Protección Social “Por medio de la cual se establece el reglamento técnico sobre los requisitos que deben cumplir los materiales, objetos y equipamientos destinados a entrar en contacto con los alimentos para consumo humano”,  notificado por la Organización Mundial del Comercio mediante el documento identificado con la signatura G/TBT/N/COL/111 el 14 de marzo de 2008, que se retira el proyecto de reglamento propuesto

G/TBT/N/JPN/285 04/12/08

Japan – Drugs

G/TBT/N/THA/285 04/12/08

Thailand - Lighters
The Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) has proposed to withdraw TIS 879-2542(1999) and replace it with TIS 879-2551(2008) as well as to enforce it as a mandatory standard.  This draft standard covers only disposable and refillable lighters.

G/TBT/N/CAN/203/Add.1 03/12/08

Canadá - Queso – Addendum

G/TBT/N/JPN/281 01/12/08

Japan - Motor vehicles


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